Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Three Year Mark

So my most recent scan came back and and they said a very interesting thing. They said there was no sign of cancer, the margins are clear. If you remember after my last surgery three years ago they said they left 25% of it and didn't give me but 6 to 12 months more of life. However, my scans from 6 months on have shown no sign of cancer. God has blessed me with healing and I believe it was in the decisions I have made.

My protocol has been simplified greatly after the initial scare and I lived passed the 1-year mark. I have dropped things off gradually just to make life easier on me and my budget. These are the things I do regularly now.
  1. Spend time with God every day
  2. Control my stress levels
  3. Plan gratitude into my life 
  4. Eat a plant-based diet with absolutely no sugar - I do some honey or green stevia - lots of raw nuts and healthy fats
  5. Supplements:
    • Vit D3 - 10,000 mg - many people with diseases are found to be low in Vit D
    • Vit K2 - my doctor said I needed to take this with the high dose of Vit D
    • Probiotic - gut health is extremely important for overall health
    • Protandim - a natural Nrf2 activator
Protandim was a part of my protocol from my last surgery. It definitely gave me more energy and later, whenever I tried to eliminate it, I would start feeling a spiraling of my energy going down into a dark hole. I would get really fatigued and depressed. I couldn't handle life's stresses at all. My husband would say, "You better keep taking that one," even though he had no idea what it was. I finally resolved this was a supplement I was going to keep on my protocol. I am so glad I did.

Nrf2 is a protein in each cell that regulates the nucleus' genes, turning them off and on. I had always heard you can turn off cancer genes but didn't understand how that worked. Now I do. Each gene may be expressing too much or too little causing different diseases. On a bar graph this could look like lots of really highs and lows. This is from too many free radicals damaging the cells to the point of oxidative stress and lowering energy in each cell. Cancer and other diseases love these mutated cells, but if Nrf2 works properly the genes stop over or under expressing and become a smooth line on the bar graph.

Normally our body makes Nrf2 naturally, but as we age it declines causing our cells to look more like a rotting apple than a plump, juicy one. If we can help our body make Nrf2 naturally it will reduce the oxidative stress. Protandim is the best Nrf2 activator of its kind on the market currently. It has several peer-reviewed studies on and has been proven to reduce oxidative stress by 40-70% in 30 days. The company, LifeVantage, doesn't claim that Protandim cures or treats diseases, but it does lower oxidative stress in the cells so it allows the body to do what it was designed to do.

Here is an interesting ABC Prime Time video on Protandim. 

I have been so excited at what Protandim does that this past year I have been sharing it with many suffering people. The results have been astounding.

To Order: go to "Shop" at   

For difficult cases it is best to take 2 Protandim Nrf2 with food at two different times of the day and away from any of the same ingredients because of its synergistic ratio. Also, a detox can be normal for a short time. Cut back to half every day and work up to it. You may not feel any difference but be sure that it is working it you to clear out the garbage in your cells.

May God bless all of you! I wish for all to have health and good life.

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